I'm Danielle: office professional by day, poor man's Martha Stewart by night (sometimes by day too, but only on my lunch breaks, promise). My husband and I are newlywed new homeowners who are taking our new status in life one goal, one project, and one bottle of wine at a time.
When we decided to buy a home we were a mid-twenties couple with just above entry-level jobs and below entry-level savings, student loans and car loans, an impending wedding to plan, and - let's be honest - a penchant for spending our nest egg on happy hour. Admittedly, most of that status is still the same, except the wedding's been planned and executed, and we drink more at home... Regardless, Project Do It Ourselves is all about ourmisadventures along the way.
Why not DIY? Because in true sickeningly sweet newlywed fashion, we're in this together. This is as much a project on strengthening our relationship as it is prettifying our home. What doesn't make me kill him makes us stronger, right?
When we decided to buy a home we were a mid-twenties couple with just above entry-level jobs and below entry-level savings, student loans and car loans, an impending wedding to plan, and - let's be honest - a penchant for spending our nest egg on happy hour. Admittedly, most of that status is still the same, except the wedding's been planned and executed, and we drink more at home... Regardless, Project Do It Ourselves is all about our
Why not DIY? Because in true sickeningly sweet newlywed fashion, we're in this together. This is as much a project on strengthening our relationship as it is prettifying our home. What doesn't make me kill him makes us stronger, right?
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