December 27, 2010

New Year, New You, New House?

No, we're not moving, but I'm definitely cleaning and purging my way into the New Year. Now that the dust has settled somewhat, it's time to get organized and really focus on bringing this home to life. On today's list is cleaning out our fridges, airing out the guest rooms and laundering their sheets, washing windows that haven't been washed since we moved in, and tackling our own laundry...Seriously, if you have a system, let me know. There is no reason two people end up with so much dirty laundry.

Ahem. I digress. This was our first full year in our house, and I can't wait to reveal all the work we've done, like: 
  • Installing hardwood floors
  • Installing molding (both of the crown and chair varieties)
  • Painting. Lots of painting
  • Adopting a dog
  • Cooking a multitude of dinners and treats
  • Oh, and planning our wedding

While walking Molly through the snow last night, the hubs and I decided our motto for 2011 is No Complacency.

We're most concerned with the final part of that definition - "smug self-satisfaction with an existing situation [...]" Are we happy? We're over the freaking moon. We're finally (my word) married, we've found a great house to grow in, we're fortunate enough to still have jobs, and our family is bearable healthy and happy. We just don't want to get too comfortable. It would be a shame to get this far only to quit. We've accomplished so much in the past year, our momentum is just catching speed.

What are your home goals for 2011? 

Just Do It

I'm an awesome project starter. Let me tell you. I'll see something on TV or online and just know that I need to do it too. I'll sit in the room in question, stare at my canvas, brainstorm the possibilities, make at least one to do list, and run out to get my supplies. Then...oh look, Real Housewives of Who Cares is on... I often get distracted, overwhelmed, or just plain scared. Do I really know what I'm doing? Is that color a really good idea? Do I really even like that? Second guessing yourself stinks.

Luckily the other half of the DIO duo is a get 'er done kind of guy (which, by the way, I both love and loathe). If he (I) sets his mind to do something, it's guaranteed to get done immediately. If it's something he hasn't done before, he takes the time to research the best method and gives himself a realistic timeline to complete it rather than, you know, jumping in after one 30 minute glimpse on a home improvement channel.

Inviting someone over to our house, though, is usually the only best catalyst I need to finish a project. So when we decided to have a party to celebrate the graduation of a dear friend, I knew it would be more than just throwing together a spread; a serious room makeover was needed.

Project: Dining Room

This was the state it was in when we moved in. This picture is deceiving though, as the previous owners had a food fight before they left. I'll fill you in on how that was fixed later.

What gets you motivated to finish a project?

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